Insurance Companies we Represent

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Neptune Flood is the largest entirely digital flood insurance company in the United States.  We were founded to change the way the consumers and businesses think about and buy flood insurance.  Neptune uses AI driven technology to make it fast and easy to buy flood insurance most often at a price that saves money vs the NFIP.

Neptune is based in St Petersburg, Florida and offers flood insurance to homeowners and businesses in 48 states plus DC.

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Founded in 1986, Ocean Harbor is rated A by Demotech, Inc. and rated B by A.M. Best Company, and is a member of the Ocean Harbor Insurance Group. The Ocean Harbor Insurance Group consists of five insurance companies, writing mainly homeowners and automobile business. The group, which actively does business in more than a dozen states, writes over $300 million of combined premium and is a top 100 writer of homeowner’s business in the United States.

Ocean Harbor’s focuses on offering coverage in areas where there is a need, such as coastal areas where major carriers are reducing their exposure. Ocean Harbor offers property insurance in Louisiana, South Carolina, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, New York and regions in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest.

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